Lust at Midnight Read online

Page 3


  I marched down the silent street like a women on a mission.

  Where had Dan gone?

  He couldn’t have travelled far.

  I just hope he isn’t with someone’s wife. The last thing I want is Dan to get hurt again. I also don’t want to move. I love living here. It is such a peaceful and relaxing town. I would do anything for Dan. I just wanted him to be happy. He could have any woman in the world. He was good looking, fit and was charmer, but he had picked me. I know he has had sex with other women, but that wasn’t his fault. He wasn’t aware he was doing it. And when he found out, he felt so guilty. I didn’t want him to feel guilty so we started an open affair with the woman. I would do anything to keep Dan. We would have a threesome most nights, which was fun and so very naughty, but also scary as her husband was a dangerous man.

  I just don’t want him to get hurt.


  I could see a silhouette walking through the side gate to someone’s house.

  Where was he going?


  I double checked the coast was clear.

  No one was about.

  Like some kind of thief I snuck up the driveway and opened the side gate to the house. The rusty hinges creaked loudly in the silence of the night. An old bike and some boxes had been stored down the side of the house. It took some manoeuvring, but I managed to squeeze through the narrow passage. I remember coming to this house about four weeks ago. Dan has a bracelet on his wrist explaining that he is a sleep walker and my cell phone number is on there. Last month a woman called me to say that Dan was in her house. I had been relieved, but when I got to the house no one answered. When I called the house phone Dan answered. He was awake, embarrassed and ashamed. I didn’t really think much of it at the time, but could this be the woman he was fucking?

  Question began to form in my head.

  Is she prettier than me?

  Is she married?

  Does he love her?

  I poked my head around the wall and looked out into the garden. I was met by darkness. Dan was nowhere to be seen. Slowly, I stepped out and approached the back of the house. I pressed my face up against the kitchen window and looked inside. My heart sank down into the depths of my stomach. My naked husband was walking slowly up the hallway. I could see him turn and head up the stairs towards the second floor. What was I supposed to do? I had finally found him. Is this the place he came every night when he got out? Was he fucking this woman?

  I had to know.

  I tried the backdoor handle.

  The door opened with a faint click.

  I stepped inside.


  I shouldn’t be doing this.

  I know I shouldn’t be doing this.

  This is someone else’s home. I moved, as quietly as a ghost in the night, down the hallway towards the base of the stairs. It had taken me nearly five minutes to pluck up the courage to follow Dan into the house. I cringed at the sound of the wooden stairs creaking. What if I woke someone up? What would they do if they thought I was a burglar? Why did Dan have to do crazy things like this? I just needed to find him quickly and then get the hell out of here.

  One by one I climbed the steps.

  With each creak my heart stopped.

  It seemed to take a lifetime to reach the landing.

  Suddenly my heart stopped, as something moved on the landing before me. For a brief moment I saw my entire life flash before my eyes. This was it. This was the moment I was going to be struck on the head with a solid object and sent crashing down to my death. The papers would label me a criminal. Oh, what would my parents think?

  ‘Meow,’ cried a small black cat.

  I released the breath I hadn’t realised I had been holding and stepped onto the landing.

  And then I heard it.

  I could hear muffled voices and a repetitive heavy thud.

  Four doors led off from the landing, but the sound was coming from the far door. I approached slowly, as the sound grew louder and louder. I knew what it was before I had even got there, but for once I just wanted to be proven wrong. The bedroom door was slightly ajar. I could see the curtains were partially open, which allowed for the soft light of the moon to illuminate the interior of the bedroom to some degree.

  My heart sank down into the pit of my stomach.

  ‘Fuck my pussy,’ moaned Natalie. ‘Fuck my tight pussy.’

  My mouth momentarily hung open.

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

  Natalie was straddling Dan in the centre of the double bed. My naked husband was lying back with a delirious smile upon his face. His hands were reaching up and squeezing her large plump breasts. Natalie was fucking him with a force and passion I had never seen before. For a moment I was shocked, but a part of my tingled with awe. She was riding him hard and fast. Her hips moved with the elegance of a dancer and her body flowed with such fluidity that is appeared devoid of bones. She had placed her hands upon the back of his, which allowed them to squeeze her tits together. Her eyes were locked onto the windows of Dan’s soul. She had such a powerful and penetrating gaze. With each roll of her hips the bedsprings creaked and the headboard thumped wildly off the bedroom wall. Dan moaned like some kind of wounded animal, as she screamed out into the night.

  ‘Your cock feels amazing. Tell me it’s mine.’

  ‘It’s yours, Natalie.’

  ‘You promise.’

  ‘I promise,’ said Dan in a dream like state.

  ‘Yes. You are so fucking hot.’

  I felt like I was going to cry. Why did Dan always do this? Was I not enough? I was starting to see a pattern here. Natalie was not a slim woman. She wasn’t fat, but she was curvier than me, which allowed for bigger breasts and bigger ass. This is the third woman that Dan has fucked in his sleep. All of them had the exact same body type as Natalie. Am I too skinny? Are my breasts too small? Is this why Dan goes out at night to fuck women? Am I not satisfying him enough?

  I looked at the delight upon their faces.

  There is intensity between them that I had not felt in years.

  I know Dan is asleep, but I just wish he looked at me with eyes like that.

  ‘I’m going to cum,’ screamed Natalie. ‘Do it in my pussy. Do it now.’

  Her hips jolted and she threw back her head. ‘Fuck!’

  The fuck went into overdrive.

  Natalie placed her hands onto the bed either side of Dan’s head and began to rock her bodyweight back onto his cock. Dan dropped his hands onto her ass. I could see him squeezing her cheeks, as he pulled her into him. Dan groaned loudly, as his back arched up off the bed. Something sparkled between my thighs, as Dan cum inside of her.

  ‘Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.’ Natalie chanted the words over and over.

  They maintained eye contact the entire time.

  The fuck went on for nearly two more minutes.

  Their cries of ecstasy were out of this world.

  Finally Natalie’s hips came to a stop. She rested on Dan’s chest and hugged him.

  Their heavy breaths filled the air.

  Dan was the one to break the silence.

  ‘You can come in now, Fiona.’


  He knew I was here?

  How did he know I was here?

  Natalie suddenly sat up and glanced towards the bedroom door. Her eyes were wide with fright. She was like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck. From the look of confusion upon her face I could tell that she could not see me. The gloom of the night was masking my presence on the landing. The thought did occur to me to turn away and slip off into the night, but another part of me, a naughtier part of me, was telling me to stay.

  I pushed open the bedroom door and stepped inside.

  ‘Oh my god,’ gasped Natalie.

  She tried to climb off Dan, but he gripped her firmly by the wrists and kept her in place.

  He still had that far away look in his eyes. Dan was still asleep.<
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  ‘I am glad you came,’ said Dan.

  ‘This isn’t what it looks like,’ said Natalie, but even she knew that sounded stupid.

  Natalie looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

  For some reason I wasn’t angry with her. I wasn’t angry at all. She was taking advantage of my husband, but I am sure that part of Dan knew this was happening. He usually woke up after being fucked, which meant he had to be aware of what he was doing and, yet, he still came here. If he didn’t want to be doing this then he would have thought of a way to stop it. Dan was not a stupid man.

  ‘This isn’t the first time this has happened,’ I told her.

  ‘It has happened before?’

  ‘Yes. Dan has fucked two other women in his sleep. We moved house because the last one was married and her husband beat Dan to an inch of his life. Dan is suffering from a mental trauma of losing his family,’ I told her. ‘The doctors think this is some kind of coping mechanism. It went from having night terrors to this. I have tried my best to make him feel loved and fulfil his needs, but it appears you are the one he desires.’

  Natalie said nothing.

  She was still in shock.

  ‘He will keep coming back here until he is cured,’ I explained.

  ‘What are you going to do?’ asked Natalie.

  ‘There is nothing I can do. Dan is sexually attracted to you, but I don’t want to lose my husband.’

  Was I really going to suggest this, again?

  I enjoyed it last time, but is this really the best answer?

  What choice did I have? I know Dan loves me. At home he is so caring and sweet, but at night he can’t help himself. It is like he is on auto-pilot. He returns to this woman every night to indulge in wild passionate sex. I have three options. I can move house, but all he will do is find a new woman and most likely end up getting hurt. I can turn a blind eye and let this affair continue. The final option is that I come here too and I help Dan fulfil his needs, whilst fulfilling some of my own.

  ‘Are you in a relationship?’ I asked.


  ‘You live alone?’


  ‘Do you love my husband?’

  Natalie turned her eyes away from me and looked at the floor. ‘Yes...’

  ‘Would you do anything to make him happy?’

  ‘Yes.’ Still she did not look up.

  ‘I will let you continue to fuck him,’ I told her.

  ‘What?’ Natalie couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  ‘Yes. You can continue to fuck him like this, but on one condition.’


  I unzipped my winter coat and allowed it to fall back off my shoulders. Natalie unconsciously looked me up and down and then down and up again. I was wearing my cute little white baby doll outfit.

  ‘You can fuck my husband, but you will have to fuck me too.’


  I sat on the edge of the bed.

  Natalie was sat to my left. Dan was sat to my right.

  Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, as I slowly exhaled out a long breath.

  This was going to be so naughty. I couldn’t believe how nervous I felt. This wasn’t my first threesome, but the two of them seemed to have such a powerful bond when they fucked. I am just worried I won’t be able to meet their level. What if I am not as good as them?

  A wave of tingles ran down my spine, at the feel of Dan’s hand stroking across my thigh.

  I turned to look at him.

  He still had that far away look in his eyes.

  He leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I could feel my heart melting. It was such a soft and gentle kiss. At no point did we use tongues. It was just cute little pecks, as we turned our heads left and right. We both kept our eyes open and shared sweet smiles between kisses. He pulled back and looked across at Natalie. I turned to face her. Unconsciously she licked her lips, as her eyes looked down upon my mouth. I could see the conflict within her eyes. She wasn’t sure if she would like this, but I could see that she was dying to try it. We both leaned in halfway.

  I kissed Natalie.

  Her lips were so soft.

  The scent of her perfume danced within my nostrils.

  We pulled back and I bit my bottom lip. It had felt good. Natalie smiled and leaned in a second time. It was another sweet kiss. She was the one that opened her mouth. My tongue slipped into place perfectly. She sucked slowly on the tip of my tongue and then allowed hers to slide into my mouth. I lifted my right hand up and gently brushed my fingers across her large plump breasts. A warm glow filled my stomach at the feel of Dan kissing the curve of my neck. His hand stroked along the inside of my thigh.

  I opened my legs for him.

  ‘Yes,’ I sighed into Natalie’s mouth.

  The tip of Dan’s finger was stroking along the slit of my pussy.

  A smile split my lips, as Natalie’s fingers worked their way through my hair.

  I had always loved having my hair played with.

  I caressed her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I could feel her gasp during the kiss. Her nipple was already erect. She must have been as sensitive as me. A wave of excitement crashed against the shore of my mind at the feel of Dan opening me up. Two long fingers were being slowly pushed up inside my body. I could feel the powerful suction of his lips, as he gave me a love bite on my swan like neck. I pulled back from the kiss with Natalie and lowered my head. I loved the look in her eyes, as she watched me take the peak of her breast within my mouth.

  I rolled her nipple between my lips.

  She smiled and continued to stroke my hair.

  I leaned back up and pecked her upon the lips.

  I turned back towards Dan.

  He was slowly sliding his fingers into my pussy. It was done in such a gentle fashion. I could feel him pulling them to the point that they nearly came out and then slowly pushing them all the way back inside. I stroked my left hand against the side of his face and kissed him. I missed what it felt like to kiss him. He was just so good at it. His tongue danced a private dance with mine. I took this opportunity to slip my hand between his thighs.

  He was already hard.

  His long thick cock stood erect.

  I took the shaft in a gentle grip and began to slide my hand down to the base.

  I turned my eyes back towards Natalie. She had knocked away the shoulder strap of my baby doll uniform and pulled down the front left portion of the dress. My breast was exposed for the world to see. I looked down into her eyes, as she licked my nipple. It was like watching someone lick an ice cream cone. My breasts began to tingle. Dan pressed a hand upon my shoulder and pushed me back upon the bed. I went with it. I now looked up at the ceiling, as Natalie sucked my breast and my husband fingered my pussy. Dan took down the second shoulder strap and pulled down the front of my dress.

  ‘Oh god,’ I moaned softly.

  They were both sucking my tits.

  It felt amazing.

  I let go of his cock and stroked my fingers through their hair. Natalie was the first to move. She lifted her head and leaned over me. We smiled at one another, as she came down and kissed me again. I think she was enjoying kissing another woman. I had to admit it, I was enjoying it too. The feel of her tongue was out of this world. I placed my palm down on Dan’s hand and guided him out of my body. I climbed back onto the bed.

  ‘Climb on,’ I told them.

  They did as they were told.

  The three of us knelt on the double bed.

  I kissed them both.

  I didn’t realise how much I missed kissing.

  ‘Bend over,’ said Natalie.

  I got down onto my hands and knees in the centre of the bed. Dan shuffled up behind me. I could feel his strong hands caressing my ass cheeks, as he lifted the base of the baby doll uniform. I had waited for this moment for so long. My heart glowed with the power of love, as the tip of his dick parted the wet lips of my pussy.
I could feel his warmth sliding deep inside of me. The feel of my lover within my body was like a gift from the gods.

  Dan began to roll his hips.

  He wasn’t fucking me hard.

  It was a slow sensual fuck.

  Natalie leaned down beside me. She kissed me upon the side of the face. I turned to look at her. She never looked so beautiful. We kissed. It was the type of kiss I would give Dan. It carried a certain level of emotions and feelings. I dropped down onto my elbows, as Dan’s cock started to penetrate deep within the depths of my body. Natalie lowered herself down onto her elbows and continued to kiss me. A smile split my lips, as she slipped her hands into mine. We interlinked our fingers.

  ‘You are so beautiful,’ she whispered.

  I felt like giggling.

  I could see she really meant it.

  ‘So are you.’

  We shared a long sweet passionate kiss, as Dan slowly fucked me from behind.

  The minutes began to roll by.

  One turned into two minutes.

  Two minutes turned into five.

  Five turned into ten minutes.

  The bed springs protested, as the headboard thumped loudly off the wall. Dan was now gripping my hips with all his might and pulling me back into him. The sound of his muscular thighs slapping my naked ass echoed throughout the room. He was fucking me hard, deep and fast. I buried my head down into the pillow and squeezed Natalie’s hands. I could feel her lips on my shoulder and my arms, as she continued to kiss my body.

  ‘Does that feel good?’ she whispered.

  ‘Yes,’ I cried out.

  My high pitch screams were bouncing around the silent house.

  I looked out the corner of my eye at Natalie. She had such a naughty smiled.

  I smiled back.

  ‘I love your tight pussy,’ groaned Dan.

  From the sound of his desperate voice I knew he was close, but I couldn’t wait anymore. I had tried with all my will power to hold on as long as I could, but he had defeated me. An explosion of absolute bliss ignited between my thighs. Every single muscle within my body momentarily locked, as my hips jolted and I cried out. It felt like the top of my skull was going to explode. Waves of pleasure rushed through my body. I felt like I was floating.